Yet Another Reason To Watch "The O.C"

For those of you who have even a marginal interest in comic books, Fox's "The O.C" proves that comic book geeks can be cool. And get the girl.
I'll probably write something about the show here soon- it's a fun filled romp through adolesence and doesn't truly get the respect it deserves. While it is in many respects "another teen show," it has also explored a lot of issues- such as class and social structure- with a mature approach and is one of the few t.v shows that seems designed to make you smile.
The first season is available on DVD and you can find it on Amazon.Com, along with some reviews to help you decide to buy it, because any other decision would be folly.
From the Amazon.Com review:
"...what The O.C. turned out to be was the most addictive TV soap in recent memory, and one with a brain to boot. Smarter than Melrose Place, sexier than 90210, funnier than Felicity, and not as enamored of itself as Dawson's Creek, The O.C. reveled in clever and hilarious dialogue (the pilot episode earned a WGA nomination) and quirky, eccentric characters. Most noteworthy was breakout star Adam Brody, who as Ryan's geeky newfangled brother-type Seth practically stole the teen heartthrob mantle away from Russell Crowe-lookalike McKenzie."