Nerd Bling- The Love of Super-Heroes (Part 2)

When we last left, the question was posed: What's so bad about being a comic book fan? And what's so bad about super-heroes?
We'll start with the latter question first, as it seems that comic book fans are automatically assumed to love super-heroes with an unholy passion reserved only for the Super Bowl and/or sex; unfortunately, most people don't realize that comic books are a medium, not a message unto themselves, and there exists within this medium a variety of books from a variety of genres for a variety of readers. Now super-heroes are fine and dandy if they're brought to life on the big screen it seems and box office figures of the X-Men and Spider-Man films seem to support that, though small screen shows such as Justice League Unlimited and Smallville seem to not be as "acceptable" ways to experience super-heroes, even if thousands upon thousands of people more watch Smallville than will ever pick up a Superman comic book in this lifetime.

I can dig that.

It's utterly insane.
The other problem with super-hero comics is similar to any niche product- it can be hard to get into it all. Especially with any major character such as Spider-Man or Batman, you're looking at dozens of books just about that character every month, not to mention all the cameos or appearances in other books. You're also talking about an industry that can seem SO navel gazing and introverted that it turns away people, creating bitterness and resentment within those trying to learn about comics. "Genre" fiction, whether it be Buffy The Vampire Slayer or super-hero related tales have been a hard sell since the 90's, as an entire generation found super hero comics and related genre fiction to be vacuous- right or wrong, the emphasis was on "collectors' items" or "foil enhanced chromium cancer curing covers with artificial intelligence." Regardless of merits, X-Men #1 didn't sell 8.1 million copies (thus the best-selling comic of all time and most comics have a hard time breaking 100k these days) on the strength of the brand alone. It was seen as a new #1 issue, believed to have higher value and the 5 different covers didn't hurt sales at all for "completisits" and speculators who are no doubt sitting on hundreds of copies of this book at home. So we've had an entire generation miss out on comic books because they're parents or older siblings were "burned" on their purchases and concurrently, the video game market drove itself into the homes of many. Now the mainstream acceptance of video games has been very recent, but I can remember that even in my high school days, loving to play the new Madden game on Sega Genesis wasn't un-cool at all. But then again, there's the sports factor that we'll be addressing soon as well.
From talking to comic book "skeptics," it's also clear that many feel there's something inherently immature about super-heroes and based on the visuals, it's understandable. From women in thongs fighting crime to men who'd put Adonis to shame, there's a definite male power trip aspect to super-heroes that hasn't been addressed. There's a reason that Elektra shows more skin that Captain America. Can you imagine him dressed in the Wonder Woman costume?

I'm not going to pretend to be some expert on human psychology or provide an answer to why super-heroes are viewed so poorly. I'd like to think we all make decisions for ourselves and somewhere along the line, the masses have decided that super-heroes on the printed page or small screen are not as cool as seeing them on the big screen. Maybe it's the event mentality of seeing a film or that in some minds, a concept as a film has added legitimacey.
Or maybe we just need to give people some good comic books and by golly, there are lots of them.
Tomorrow: What's so wrong about comic book fans? And what's a good list of comics for the new reader?
Coming Soon: A day by day spotlight on some of my favorite super-heroes and explaining why they resonate with me so deeply.