Arune Singh featured in "Soap Opera Digest"
Above are scans of Soap Opera Digest Vol.30 No.14, the April 5th issue (only available on newsstands till April 11th, after which you can buy it from the magazine's website), featuring the cover and the article in which I'm featured. I was interviewed regarding The O.C, because there was a recent story featuring Wildstorm Studios and Seth Cohen (one of the leads) trying to get a comic book published. SOD contacted my editor, Jonah Weiland (whose great blog is here)and he referred them to me, so they could learn more about the comic book process (and Jonah isn't an OC fan). The interview went well and though my ramblings have been re-worded heavily, there is one quote I needed to address:
SOD: Seth & Summer grew close again while working together. Can working on a comic inspire romance?
Singh: Well, there aren't many women in the industry, so maybe for homosexual men. But when you're spending that much time with someone on such a detailed project, you can grow closer.
Now I know most people won't be offended by that and I know no one at SOD was, but the comment was taken out of context. I said something more along the lines of, "well, with so few women in the industry, it'd have to be the guys hooking up" and it was meant facetiously, something not translated into the interview. I know that no one at SOD is purposely misrepresenting me and none of the above comments are blatantly homophobic, but I want to make sure no one thinks I am taking a shot at gays.
There is a clarification being printed in an upcoming issue, so I'm sure it'll all be fine. But with this being a promotion of comics and being a representative of CBR, I want to make sure I put my best foot forward and don't embarass anyone.