More updates are coming, but for now, we'll focus on some slightly more self-involved topics, namely
me as fictional comic book characters in recent comic books. I've been in a number of Superman comics and I'll post scans of those soon.
Lucifer #58 (DC Comics/Vertigo, 2005): the writer of this series, Mike Carey, is a great friend of mine and apparently this is only the first of a few appearances in his comics. The series is about
that Lucifer, yes, but there's a strong philosopical subtext to everything in the series and it's one comic book I reccomend to those with open minds. Anyway, this issue is a stand alone issue focusing on Lucifer, a few of his allies (I'd be hesitant to say friends, as no one knows why Lucifer does what he does) and the wolf-god Arooon. Which sounds a lot like
Arune, if you didn't realize the connection. It's a much larger part than I thought I'd get and it's a ton of fun. I'm not sure how much sense it'd make if you've never read the series before, but I enjoyed it thoroughly, beyond my own ego stroking.
Sleeper Season Two #8 (DC Comics/Wildstorm, 2005): while I'm not especially close with series writer Ed Brubaker, I know him to be a stand up guy and a very intelligent man. I've done a lot of promotion for his series "Sleeper" over at CBR over the years and he had said he'd put me in an issue of the series. I figured it'd be as throwaway goon or one of the "one time" villains he showcases in the series, but instead I got something better: I was a taxi cab driver! Yes, I make many jokes about my skin color making me a perfect taxi cab driver and finally, I got to live out my dream! Not only that, my character entered into a multi page sexual experience with one of the female protagonists in the book... who then promptly broke his neck after the best sex of his life. Aren't comics amazing? You can visit Ed at his web site.